Wednesday, October 21, 2009


“You quieted the raging oceans with their pounding waves and silenced the shouting of the nations.”
Psalms 65:7

Have you ever just sat on the beach and watched as the waves crested and then slammed down on the beach? The waves come one after another. As one hits the beach, one is cresting and another one is just building.
That is the best way I can explain the way my thoughts were being tossed about in my mind yesterday morning. I was on my drive into the office as these many thought waves came: a wave of worry for a meeting my daughter would be having at school, concern for a friend’s family, unease over medical test my dad would be having and the waves just continued to crash in my mind. All of these were things I had no control over neither in my mind nor in reality.
I turned off my regular morning radio show and just cried out to God. I cried all my worries, all my hurt, all my angry, all my regret along with all my praise and thanksgiving for about 45 minutes. As I entered the office parking deck I began drying my tears. I turned the radio back on and I put it on the Christian music station. The song playing was “How He Loves” by David Crowder Band.
God spoke to us through that song even though I had heard it many times. I realized that no matter what is going in my life He loves us. Because He loves us He will take care of us. Because He loves us He will work all things out for His glory. Because of His love, He gives us our family and friends to encourage and support us. All we are is because He loves us.
So next time the waves start coming one after another instead of allowing them to drown you, let them wash His love over you.

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