Saturday, February 20, 2010

Blessed Assurance

"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for
good and not disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
Jeremiah 29:11 NLT
This has always been one of my favorite verses because it reminds me that God did not just create me and leave me here swaying in the wind alone. He is with me walking me through His plan. I was home alone this morning doing some cleaning when a tune came to my mind. I continued to hum the tune but it took me a few minutes to realize even what song it was. It was the old hymn "Blessed Assurance". I quickly went to my computer to look up the verses since all that was coming to my mind was the tune. Wow, how sweet and powerful these words were to me today.
Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine
Oh what a foretaste of glory divine
Heir of Salvation, purchase of God
Born of His Spirit, washed in his blood
This is my story
This is my song
Praising my Savior all the day long
Perfect Submission, Perfect Delight
Vision of rapture now burst on my sight
Angels descending bring from above
Echos of Mercy whispers of love
This is my story
This is my song
Praising my Savior all the day long
Perfect Submission all is at rest
I in my Savior am happy and blessed
Watching and waiting, looking above
Filled with His goodness, lost in His love
With this song God reminded me that His is the perfect one to submit to. He is a perfect God who has a plan for an imperfect person like me to be able to openly come into His presence (Heb 10:22) with a sincere heart and fully trust that He will accept me there. Becasue of Jesus' own submission even to death I , a sinner, can boldly enter into the Holy Place. Not only can I enter - I am expected to enter. That is a sweet invitation that I for one do not take advantage of often enough.
Lord - Please help me to always remember that you have given me an open invitation to come to You and to bring all my "STUFF" . Thank you for allowing my to bring that stuff and leave it all at your feet and walk away with Your peace.


  1. Also thankful for our God who lets us 'move in' with our baggage to His Glorious Kingdom...and He's the one who 'cleans' out the un-needed stuff!

    You are a beautiful daughter of our Lord. May your day be glorious knowing He loves you like crazy!

  2. The old hymns are rich with theology and truth... many of our new music can't hold a candle to them. Thank you for reminding me of this precious one.

    Blessed assurance indeed!


  3. ...lost in His love....

    We don't have to worry or fret.

    He assures us that we belong to Him. Forever.

    Love that song.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

    Hey, I tried to sign on as a follower of your blog...not sure I was successful.

    It's nice to find another Alabama blogger.

    Sweet dreams.

  4. I came over by way of LeeAnn's blog. I love what you said, "God take our mess and makes it our message."


