Friday, March 22, 2013

I Have to Remember {Five-Minute Friday}

Five Minute Friday

Today I am joining my friends and Lisa-Jo again for Five Minute Friday. If you’re new here (welcome!) the rules are simple: Write, don’t edit, link your post to her page, and then share the encouragement like wildfire. You can do that, I know you can. 
The prompt this week is:  Remember

They told me to just forget it.

I have been told to just get over it.
Once I was told it didn't really matter in my life today.
Others have said it is time to move on and leave that part of me behind.

And I want to.  I wish I could forget all the times I hurt, I wish the memory of all the lies that I told myself would fade away. I have prayed for the slate in my mind to be wiped clean.

But I can't.  In fact I have learned that I have to remember.  That it is necessary for me to always remember,  I must remember the miry pit that He brought me from.  If I don't remember the sting of the hurtful words then I won't recognize the the relief He offered.  If I don't remember the battle in mind then I won't realize the sweetness of the victory.  If I don't remember the death I once desired I will never fully live the life I have been given.

It has become my calling, my burden , my passion to share my remembering with other so that they too can not only remember a pain or a hurt but also remember the peace and comfort of redemption He offers.


  1. We are neighbors at the Five Minute Friday. Thank you for allowing the memories of your pain and past hurt to spur others on to victory!

    1. Hello Neighbor !! I am learning that those pains are now to be used for His purpose.

  2. I am sorry for your pain and struggles (I have had my own, and I suppose we all have). I am glad that you are using them to encourage others and to remind yourself that you came through. May you be blessed this year.

    1. Yes, we do all have pains of our own. They may be different but they all hurt. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your blessing.

  3. from FMF--why do people say "It doesn't matter in your life now" I don't get that? Can't the world see when someone is hurting and it will only be a matter of time until they hurt? Why can we be more thoughtful?

    I think I need some coffee and a hug!

    Be Blessed.

    1. I think most people want to not have to think about how their actions may have caused scars that still exist years later.

  4. Oh, friend...I wish I could give you a hug right now. I'm sorry for those hard days that hurt so much...but what I am blessed by is your choice to take them and use them to inspire and encourage others. I love a good redemption story, and it's true that God can redeem even the hardest times in our lives and use them for His glory. Have a wonderful weekend...and thank you for this today. Blessings!

    1. Thank you for your cyber hug. Those days were hard but I know others have had their own hurts and that is way I have to share my redemption story. How will they know there is hope if we don't tell them ?!?!? Have a blessed weekend

  5. mmm ... don't you just hate when someone tells you to 'get over it'?! truth is that our emotions, our experiences do need to be validated and understood by another before we can really make wise decisions on what to do with those very real feelings ...

    and yes, there can be great wisdom in remembering ...

    1. Yes I hate it and yes there is wisdom in remembering.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you for the visit and mostly for blessings.

  7. Truly powerful and I can relate. Lots of love to you
