Friday, February 15, 2013

Beloved {Five Minute Friday}

Five Minute FridayToday I am joining my friends and Lisa-Jo this morning for Five Minute Friday. If you’re new here (welcome!) the rules are simple: Write, don’t edit, link your post to her page, and then share the encouragement like wildfire. You can do that, I know you can. The prompt this week is:  Beloved


According to a Google search:
Meaning of "Amy"
English name
In English, the name Amy means- Beloved.. Other origins for the name Amy include - English, Latin-American, French. The name Amy is most often used as a girl name or female name.

The very name given to me at birth means beloved - dearly loved - a much loved person yet growing up I never felt that type of love.  My parents loved me then and continue to love me now more than any words can express.  They gave me such a ‘Norman Rockwell’ type upbringing.  However, there was just something missing that was never filled at least not until one Sunday evening in 2002.

As I sat in what had become our regular seat in our new church I had a feeling come of me that was unexplainable.  The sanctuary was darkened with only a few black lights shining on the drama team.  They are worshiping to the song ‘Arise My Love’.  As the each note of the song played my heart began to beat a little harder.  I got a little more uncomfortable in my seat. 
Then the lyric, ”Could it be that His Father had forsaken Him? Turned His back on His son despising our sin”, and the drama member depicting God turned around and refused to look at ‘Jesus’.   It was at that moment that I felt my name was appropriate.  I am beloved.  I am dearly loved.  Jesus Christ loved me so much that He went to the cross and had His very own Father turn away from Him.  As a daddy’s girl I can’t imagine having my dad turn his back on me because of other people’s wrong doing. Yet that is exactly what happened to Jesus.  The relationship between Father and Son was broken because of His love for me.  Yes is love is for all but that night in that moment it was His love of me that changed my life.

There is no great feeling that to know you are beloved.


  1. How awesome that your name means "beloved" and God won't ever let you forget that.

    1. Finally feeling like my names meaning actually fit me gave me such freedom to just be who I am.

  2. How wonderful that your very name means 'beloved'. It is wonderful that you felt the love of your parents, as so many do not.
    Your post is a beautiful reminder of just how much Jesus did for us when he lived his life just for us and then went to the cross, taking our ugly sins upon himself for me, you, all of mankind.
    In His Love,
    -Gilded Grace

    1. Jesus did do so much for us not only as a whole group of people but for each of us individually and that realization is overwhelming at times.

  3. Yes...there is NO greater feeling than to know I am beloved. Thank you for this today...beautiful! Blessings on your weekend! :)
